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Navigating DSHEA Regulations:
A Guide to Collecting Testimonials Responsibly


Collecting testimonials is a valuable way to showcase the positive experiences and benefits of your products or services. Testimonials can build trust, credibility, and provide social proof for potential customers. However, it is crucial to be aware of the regulatory landscape surrounding testimonials, particularly in the context of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) regulations. In this article, we will explore how to be cautious and compliant when collecting testimonials, understanding what can and cannot be said within the bounds of DSHEA regulations.

Understanding DSHEA Regulations:

The DSHEA, enacted in 1994, governs the marketing and labeling of dietary supplements in the United States. While the focus of DSHEA is on the claims made about dietary supplements, it also affects the use of testimonials. The key principle behind DSHEA is that claims made about dietary supplements must be truthful, not misleading, and supported by adequate scientific evidence.

What Can You Say?

  1. Truthful and Accurate Statements: When collecting testimonials, ensure that all statements made by customers are truthful and accurate representations of their experiences. Stick to the facts and avoid exaggerated claims or misleading statements.
  1. Personal Experiences: Testimonials should reflect personal experiences and opinions rather than making broad claims about the product’s efficacy or results. Encourage customers to share specific benefits they experienced while using the product without making generalized claims that might overstate its effectiveness.
  1. General Health and Wellness Statements: Testimonials can discuss improvements in general health and wellness, such as increased energy, better sleep, or enhanced overall well-being. It is crucial to avoid specific disease claims or suggestions that the product can cure, treat, or prevent medical conditions.
  1. Disclaimers: To maintain compliance, it is advisable to include disclaimers alongside testimonials. Clearly state that individual results may vary, and the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Encourage customers to consult with a healthcare professional for medical advice.

What Can’t You Say?

  1. Disease Claims: Under DSHEA regulations, testimonials cannot make claims that a product can cure, treat, or prevent diseases or medical conditions. Avoid any language that implies the product has therapeutic properties or can replace medical treatment.
  1. Scientifically Unsubstantiated Claims: Testimonials should not make claims that lack adequate scientific evidence or sound research to support them. Avoid statements that are not backed by reliable sources or studies.
  1. False or Misleading Statements: It is strictly prohibited to present false or misleading testimonials. This includes misrepresenting customer experiences, using paid actors or fabricated stories, or manipulating results to paint an inaccurate picture.
  1. Impersonating Healthcare Professionals: Testimonials should not impersonate healthcare professionals or provide medical advice. Encourage customers to consult their healthcare providers for personalized guidance.


Collecting testimonials can be an effective marketing tool when done responsibly and in compliance with DSHEA regulations. By understanding the boundaries set by DSHEA, you can ensure that your testimonials are truthful, accurate, and provide valuable insights to potential customers without crossing the line into making unsubstantiated claims. Remember to always prioritize transparency, honesty, and the well-being of your customers when leveraging testimonials as part of your marketing strategy.