The 30 second formula that will change your business
The 30 second formula that will change your business
When I go to masterminds or am geeking out around my entrepreneurial friends, the first question is always:
“What’s working for you these days?”
What we mean by that question is: What have you wasted your money on that hasn’t worked and what little piece of gold have you found in all your experimentation that is getting you new clients?
Facebook ROAS strategies (Return On Ad Spend), Webinar conversions, Quality of leads, YouTube ads and the plethora of variables in an attempt to get new clients.
The worst part of all this is what worked yesterday may tank tomorrow. However I’d like to share with you a trend that we are noticing that IS working!
Some of you may have heard of the term UGC. User Generated Content. I’m sure you have come across a video on your feed of someone opening a box or an influencer pointing a camera at themselves using a product or eating something that they are endorsing. A UGC is basically a video that a consumer is shooting of themselves.
Wouldn’t it be great if all of our clients decided to pick up their cell phone cameras and shoot a video of themselves showing off your product or service? Not likely to happen BUT when given the opportunity and the coaching, it’s not that hard to collect!
Take a look at these 4 samples that we recorded recently:
The 30 second formula:
Hello, my name is Dan Lievens. I am shooting this video because 6 months ago, I was struggling with my energy levels in the afternoon, but then I found COMPANY and today, my energy levels are like a 19 year with a red bull infusion!
The key here is “My name is” and “I am shooting this video because”.
Insert the problem that you solve, insert your solution and insert your transformation!
At Share One, we have begun to summarize all of our video testimonial interviews by coaching our interviewee’s to say this and it has been a game changer!
Add that footage to your social media content calendar. Include it in your webinars. Its the best social proof you can get.
It’s a short cut to the part of the brain that says: “If I buy this product, my problems will be solved”
If you think that having a handful of people endorse your business in this way can help, then take a look at our new Video Testimonial Collection service here: