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Case Study

Meet Kim Ressler

At a Glance

Kim Ressler is the Founder and CEO of SNIP Nutrigenomics, a DNA personalized Nutritional Supplement company. Based on your body’s unique genetic code, they formulate a custom blend of supplementation designed to make it easier for you to absorb and utilize essential nutrients. Since this is an innovative new solution to supplements, a lot of education and social proof is needed to get clients to say yes to the initial investment of getting your DNA tested. She uses Share One video testimonial services to not only record customer success stories, but also other experts in the field, physicians and independent affiliates.

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What we did

We started with recording a few customers that have had positive results with their product then we started interviewing other doctors and practitioners who not only use the products but also market SNIP to their clients. 

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Because Snip Nutrition has a profit sharing model with your referral network, they attract a lot of independent affiliates. Using Share One to interview the independent affiliates gave them promotional videos for the affiliates to use as well as great testimonials for working with SNIP. 


Today SNIP Nutrigenomics has a variety of video testimonials featuring client success stories as well as interviews with health professionals talking about the benefits of creating custom supplementation blends based on your DNA makeup. 

Interview samples collected for Snip Nutrigenomics

Meet Mariel Dunlap

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Meet Sarah Cuoco

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Meet Dr Lisa Price

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Meet Dr Joshua Helman

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Transcript from Kim Ressler

Share One step in to help us, a young company that is educating people on DNA has been amazing. Handing over to Share One to do testimonial reviews, whether they’re with physicians that we are working with or customers and clients, has taken so much load right off of When we send information or when we nominate someone to the portal, it’s simple nomination process. After they take over. We don’t have to worry about follow up and scheduling and suddenly voila, we have a professional recorded video for us to use and we can share on social media within our database with other providers, with other clients that are looking. It’s working beautifully that this is not something that we have to take a lot of time with, but we can hand it right to them. And this is helping us with education, building credibility as a new company, it’s all taken care of right there for us. As we first started working with Share One, our first nomination was with a doctor who’s an NIH Fellow in Immunology and Oncology. soon as we recorded and shared testimonial of working with us and what she was seeing with her patients, we’ve got a great response. One credibility from others that she is an expert in nutrigenomics and in her fields. But not only that, clients looking to see that hey, what they are doing is really real, that it’s not fluff.

I think in this day and age, education is key for all of us because there’s so many things out in the world on social media and what to think and what to believe, and we can read and read and read. However, I think actually hearing and seeing somebody live recorded just like Share One does, you actually see the person, and you can relate to it more than just reading information. So I think what Share One’s bringing with these recordings is just fabulous. So somebody can easily listen to a three to five minute video and they can actually feel the person that they are listening to. Investing in this with Share One has been fabulous because ultimately I know that there’s a lot of ways that we could do recording. One, we really don’t have that time. But also we’re looking for very specific information from our providers or from our customers. Staying compliant is really important to us that we share validated information and true results. And Share One with the interview portal has been such a worthy. Investment for us, knowing that we are getting the information that we need to share to the public. I’m Kim Ressler, founder and CEO of SNiP Nutrigenomics out of Laguna Beach, California.